Sexy Food: The 11 Sexiest Food Peeps of ’11

These irresistible Seattleites made their mark in the year that was.

2011 was a good year for food in Seattle. We’ve seen a craft cocktail uprising, scads of new restaurants (much to the locavore’s delight) and a slew of culinary books. I’d like to highlight some sexy celebs of the Seattle food community, for their accomplishments, as well as their raw and often silly charm. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Keren Brown is Seattle’s queen bee of food networking. She hosts the popular industry event Foodportunity several times a year, which brings chefs, media and food lovers together under one roof. This year, Keren published “The Food Lover’s Guide to Seattle,” a must-have local dining tome. As if that wasn’t enough, she gave birth to twins in October, and in true Frantic Foodie (her nickname) fashion, all that baby weight is already gone gone gone. Twitter: @FranticFoodie

2. One blogger had to make the list and this year it’s Marc Schermerhorn of the newly-minted blog, “Baketard.” Marc is tall and handsome, sure, and despite his snarky wit, he’s always there with a helping hand and a serving of Shepherd’s Pie when a friend is in need. Twitter: @MarcSeattle

3. Seattle boasts a host of sexy and talented food photographers, but this year’s honor goes to Kelly Cline. She is as stunning as the images she produces, but the most remarkable thing I’ve noticed about Kelly is that, despite battling serious health problems (her last radiation treatment was this week — yippee!), she can’t help but act as a pillar of support for those she loves. Her reach is as wide as her warm smile, and we’re all rooting for her to get back in the saddle soon. Twitter: @KCline

4. You can’t have a list of Seattle’s sexiest without including the mayor of it all; do I even need to say his name? This year, Tom Douglas extended the reach of his empire from Seatown Snackbar at Pike Place Market all the way to Ting Momo, a second outlet of Serious Pie, and the Bravehorse Tavern in Westlake. And ladies, look at this pic we unearthed of Tom from a few years back. Undisputably hot.Twitter: @TomDouglasCo

5. Adam Fortuna is the man behind the bar at newly-opened Artusi, Jason Stratton’s small plates sidekick to Spinasse next door. He looks like a Marlboro Man hipster (if that exists) but his sex appeal comes from his cocktail expertise. He even carves fruit garnishes into hexagons to match the subway tiles that line his bar. Ask him about his fixation with Tom Cruise movies — that it’s his only weak suit makes him all the more dashing. Twitter: @Adam_Fortuna

6. Karen Rosenzweig, the lady with the unpronounceable last name, has transformed the face of food social media in Seattle. A sexy spitfire always ready with a quip on Twitter, she uses her wit to improve the online presence of Seattle restaurants. Twitter: @KarenRosenzweig

7. This entry was tricky, so I awarded the honor to the men of Canon, a new craft cocktail bar in the old Licorous space next to Lark. It’s is my favorite watering hole to open this year, largely thanks to mixologists Jamie Boudreau and Murray Stenson (named best bartender in America at Tales of the Cocktail festival in New Orleans last year). I especially love their aged, pre-made cocktails served in apothecary bottles. Twitter: @CanonSeattle

8. You probably know Chef Robin Leventhal as a “Top Chef” season six contestant, but the woman continues to amaze. This year, she singlehandedly designed the food and concept behind Stopsky’s, a Jewish deli on Mercer Island. A talented artist, Leventhal also teaches Handbuilt Feast, a 10-week course that combines pottery and food. Twitter: @ChefRobinL

9. Wayne Johnson, The man with the porn star name, Wayne Johnson was the executive chef at Andaluca for 12 years — until yesterday, when he was named as the new executive chef of the iconic seafood restaurant, Ray’s Boathouse. Last summer, he debuted on “Iron Chef America,” working some Northwest magic with cucumbers, of all things. What’s really charming about Johnson is his continued community outreach. He teaches homeless youth how to eat nutritiously, shares culinary talent with homeless men and women and prepares holiday meals for local firefighters. Twitter: @ChefWAJ

10. Amy Pennington, our local gardening guru, is responsible for putting Seattle on the map in Gwyneth Paltrow’s eyes. Pennington penned “Apartment Gardening (2011 Sasquatch),” and promptly thereafter Gwyneth “gooped” it with her magic fairy dust. I recently met Pennington at a social gathering and was extremely impressed by her ability to sex up cauliflower by dousing it in velvety layers of cream. I have confidence this skill with sexification is transferable to other arenas of her life, so DO look twice if you happen to pass her on the street. Twitter: @GoGoGreenGarden 

11. Thierry Rautureau makes the list because of his ability to send shivers up my spine every time I’m lucky enough to score a hug. Oh, and because he’s managed to keep one of Seattle’s best restaurants, Rovers, in the limelight for over 24 years. Last year he brought us Luc, a neighborhood bistro with fries you’d sell your Louboutins to devour. Thierry doesn’t operate his empire in a vacuum — he spends a lot of time doing outreach work that ultimately builds community. Isn’t that the sexiest quality of all? Twitter: @TheChefintheHat